
Predictive toxicology

Predictive toxicology

OpenTox provides an interoperable, standards-based Framework for the support of predictive toxicology data management, algorithms, modelling, validation and reporting. It is relevant to satisfying the chemical safety assessment requirements of the REACH legislation as it supports access to experimental data, (Quantitative) Structure-Activity Relationship models...

Linked Data Platform

Linked Data Platform

The Open PHACTS Discovery Platform aims to provide an integrated information space to advance pharmacological research in the area of drug discovery. Effective drug discovery requires comprehensive data coverage, i.e. integrating all available sources of pharmacology data.

Quantitative Descriptions

Quantitative Descriptions

Numerical characterization of molecular structure is a first step in many computational analysis of chemical structure data. These numerical representations, termed descriptors, come in many forms, ranging from simple atom counts and invariants of the molecular graph to distribution of properties, such as charge, across a molecular surface.
