TODAY IS Friday, 07. February, 2025, 10:26 PM
Nanotoxicology: Experimental and Computational Perspectives (book)
Chapter 11: Computation
Research Article
A data fusion pipeline for generating and enriching Adverse Outcome Pathw
Research Article
Enriching Nanomaterials Omics Data: An Integration Technique to Generate
Answering scientific questions with linked European nanosafety data
Egon Willighagen, Maas
Access, use and functionalities of eNanoMapper infrastructure
Virtual presentation held on
Jaqpot Quattro User Interface Tutorial - Experimental design, Interlaboratory comparison a
Modelling Services: Experimental Design, Interlaboratory Testing, Read-Across - Video Tuto
How to reproduce validation results of nano-lazar-paper
Authors: Christoph Helma, Micha Ra
Create and use lazar nanoparticle models
Ruby libraries for the lazar framework
Answering scientific questions with linked European nanosafety data
Egon Willighagen, Mi
eNanoMapper database, search tools and templates
Nina Jeliazkova, Nikolay Kochev, IdeaCons
Validation of read across predictions for nanoparticle toxicities
Christoph Helma1, Micha
Create DataSet, Train a Model, Make a Prediction, Validate (split, cross or external)
How to use the JaqPot Quattro User Interface to create and validate NanoQSAR models
How to use all available functionalities of the JaqPot Quattro web application
Authors: Ge
The dictionary includes a collection of terms and abbreviations often used in the context
How to use the Pathway module of for pathway analysis of microarray data
Creating biological pathways for WikiPathways using PathVisio
Authors: Friederike Ehrhart,
How to use the statistics module of for statistics analysis of microarra
How to use the AffyQC web tool of for quality control and pre-processing
How to Use Chipster for Bioinformatics Analysis of Nanomaterial-Based Omics Data
Entering and Analysing Nano Safety Data
Authors: Nina Jeliazkova (Idea Consult), Egon Will
Browsing the eNM ontology with BioPortal, AberOWL and Protégé
Authors: Linda Rieswijk, Fri
Ontology, database and tools for nanomaterial safety evaluation
Friederike Ehrhart1, L R
eNanoMapper: enabling systems biology for nanosafety
E. Willighagen1, F. Ehrhart1, L. Ries
Enriching protein corona fingerprints using gene ontology information: an integration tech
eNanoMapper - A Database and Ontology Framework for Nanomaterials Design and Safety Assess
Research Article
Proteomics Analysis Reveals Distinct Corona Composition on Magnetic Nanop
Image descriptor calculation web tool
Authors: Philip Doganis, Marios Kotsiandris, NTUA
RRegrs: Package Tutorial
Authors: Georgia Tsiliki, Cristian R. Munteanu, Jose A. Seoane, C
Keeping it real: The importance of material characterization in nanotoxicology
Bengt Fad
The eNanoMapper database for nanomaterial safety information: storage and query
Nina Jelia
POSTER: How to store nanomaterial safety data: meet eNanoMapper database
Nikolay T. Kochev
The first eNanoMapper prototype: a substance database to support safe-by-design
Nina Jelia
The eNanoMapper database for nanomaterial safety information
Nina Jeliazkova1, Charalampos
Cancer Biology, Toxicology and Alternative Methods Development Go Hand-in-Hand
Pekka Kohon
A Database and Ontology Framework for Nanomaterials Design and Safety Assessment ACS
Using the eNanoMapper ontology
Presented by
Janna Hastings (EMBL-EBI, UK)
25th June 201
Nanomaterial data visualization with ambit.js and d3.js
Presented by
Egon Willighagen (M
eNanoMapper: Harnessing ontologies to enable data integration for nanomaterial risk assess
A substance database to support a safe innovation approach
Presented by Nina Jeliazkova (
Nano Safety Cluster Meeting - Antalya, Turkey
by: Barry Hardy
into an Open Linked Data Platform for Drug Discovery
by: Joerg K. Wegner,
The Chemical Information Ontology:
Provenance and Disambiguation for Chemical Data on the
AMBIT RESTful web services:
An implementation of the OpenTox application programming inter
Collaborative development
of predictive toxicology applications
by: Barry Hardy, Nicki Dou
Incorporating Commercial and Private Data
into an Open Linked Data Platform for Drug Disco
A Survey of Quantitative Descriptions
of Molecular Structure
by: Rajarshi Guha, Egon Willi
The Chemistry
Development Kit (CDK)
An Open-Source Java Library for Chemo- and Bioinforma
The ToxBank Data Warehouse:
Supporting the Replacement of In Vivo Repeated Dose Systemic T
Nano Technology Community Outreach
D1.1 Requirements Analysis and Syst
Ontology Development for Nano Safety Domain
D2.1 Framework and Infrast
Database development and implementation
D3.1 Technical Specification a
User Application Development, Integration and Testing
D5.1 Integrated
D7.1 Kick-Off MeetingD7.2 Year 1 MeetingD7.3 First Annual T