User Application Development, Integration and Testing

Description of Tasks

1). Issue tracker and ticket management system
2). Software Build, Release and Integration Testing
3). Integrated Testing
4). User registration, authentication and authorisation
5). User Application for importing NanoWiki Data
6). User Application for importing NanoSafety Cluster Data
7). User Application for searching and downloading eNanoMapper Data
8). User Application for Prioritised Use Cases from WP1

User Application Development, Integration and Testing

D5.1 Integrated Issue Management and Testing system
D5.2 User registration, authentication and authorisation
D5.3 User application for importing NanoWiki data
D5.4 User application for importing NanoSafety Cluster data
D5.5 User application for searching and downloading eNanoMapper data
D5.6 User application for conformance to reporting and curation standards
D5.7 Final report on User Applications


Douglas Connect GmbH


To ensure the ontology and data warehouse developed in WP2 and WP3 meets the safety-by-design and community needs, WP4 will develop computational infrastructure capable to analyse and extract knowledge out of diverse types of ENM-related theoretical descriptors, experimental data and associated metadata, including provenance of experimental data and experimental conditions and protocols. The modelling tools will be used to assess potential risks of ENMs, prioritize ENMs for experimental testing, and contribute to the development of ‘safe-by-design’ ENMs, as the potential toxicity and environmental impact of ENMs will be predicted during the design phase.

This WP will also develop functionalities for the automatic generation of reports on nQSAR models and predictions that can be used for regulatory purposes, thus complementing the risk assessment of engineered ENMs and reducing experimental and animal testing, which are very demanding in terms of time, cost and experimental facilities.

Description of work

WP4 will pursue a linked data and iterative approach that will exploit and integrate all data and metadata captured in the database warehouse of the project, provide feedback for optimal experimental design and guidelines for the generation of additional high-quality, focused, reliable and consistent experimental data and information. A bundle of modelling and analysis tools will be developed and implemented throughout the project, compliant to the OpenTox Application Programming Interface (API) and particularly tailored to the needs of ENM predictive toxicology, including new theoretical descriptors, methods for identifying key structural, physicochemical and biological features that are responsible for ENM bioactivity, modelling algorithms for correlating ENM properties with their biological and environmental impacts, optimal experimental design procedures and inter-laboratory testing facilities. The flexible computational infrastructure will be implemented based on interoperable, standards-compliant and modular web services maximising cross-talk and interaction between different and diverse sources of data.