
Misvik Biology

Misvik Biology

Misvik Biology is an SME providing state-of-the-art high-throughput screening (HTS) services for cell biology and toxicology-oriented research. The overall mission of the company is to convert customer requests into high-throughput or ultra-high-content biology experiments and provide systems level information about cellular processes in health and disease.

IDEAconsult Ltd., Bulgaria

IdeaConsult Ltd.

IDEAconsult Ltd. is a SME providing consultancy, technical services, and software development in the areas of chemoinformatics, QSAR, and data mining since 2004. The company currently leads the Data Warehouse WP of the ToxBank FP7 project, as well as the Database implementation and development WP of the eNanoMapper FP7 project, after successfully leading the framework implementation in the earlier OpenTox project.

Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, eNanoMapper project partner

The Karolinska Institutet is the largest center for medical education and research in Sweden and the home of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The Karolinska Institutet consists of 22 departments and 600 research groups which are dedicated to improving human health through research and higher education. The activities of the Institute of Environmental Medicine ( within the Institute covers basal, mechanistic toxicological research, applied research, heath risk assessment and education.
