We are introducing Work Packages for the eNanoMapper project. There are seven work packages, each one explained in detail.
The eNanoMapper project implementation will operate over 36 months.
Three years will be a challenging but realistic time period to achieve the project results but the project partners believe that due to the fast moving pace of the iterative, agile development approach to be followed, coupled with the background knowledge and previous foundation work of the partners in other FP7 projects (e.g., OpenTox, ToxBank, OpenPhacts) that they are well placed to deliver the deliverables in the timescales provided, because they can build on several very relevant outputs from other projects, and they bring an established and successful collaboration relationship, which has previously delivered excellent results, a not insignificant capability already developed before project start.
In fact all eNanoMapper partners have had multiple previous working interactions and relationships with other partners in the consortium on other ICT development, toxicology or nanotechnology projects.